Tuesday, August 21, 2018

What Famous Child Actor is the Great, Great, Great Grandson of Charles Dickens?

Did you know that a famous child actor is the great, great, great grandson of Charles Dickens? The child actor is all grown up today, he starred as a child actor back in the 1970s.

Practically everyone who grew up in the 1970s, like this author, will remember the TV show the famous child actor was on. The show originally ran from 1970 to 1975, and then was seen countless times by millions of American kids in reruns that ran everyday on TV in the afternoons after school let out.

Charles Dickens is generally considered one of if not the greatest author of the 19th century. His famous books like "Oliver Twist", "Great Expectations", "A Christmas Carol", "David Copperfield", and "A Tale of Two Cities" are still read by millions of people everyday and most of his books have been made into Hollywood movies..

Who is the famous child actor who is the great, great, great grandson of Charles Dickens?

  • Brian Forster

Through his mother's side of the family, child actor Brian Forster is the great, great, great grandson of Charles Dickens. Who is Brian Forster?

He played the role of Chris Partridge on the "The Partridge Family" from 1971 until the show ended in 1974. Chris Partridge was the youngest of the kids on the show and he played the drums in the family's band.

Brian Forster was not the original Chris Partridge on the show. Jeremy Gelbwaks played the part on the first season in 1970 but he could not get along with any of the other actors or producers from the show and Brian Forster was brought in to replace him starting in Season 2.

After "The Partridge Family" stopped producing new episodes in 1974, Brian Forster did not do a lot more TV acting. When he was old enough to drive, Brian Forster became a race car driver mainly in Northern California. He's also done some community theater acting.

In addition to Charles Dickens, Brian Forster is also related to some other famous people. His father, Peter Forster, was a British actor and his mother, Jennifer Raine (real name Jennifer Dickens Downing), was a British actress. 

Jennifer Raine's father was Alan Napier another actor who famously played  Batman's butler Alfred Pennyworth on the TV show "Batman". 

So not only is Brian Forster the great, great, great grandson of Charles Dickens, he is also the grandson of Alfred the butler from "Batman".

Here's a couple of footnotes that fans of "The Partridge Family" will probably find interesting.

  • When Brian Forster was added the cast in Season 2 to replace Jeremy Gelbwaks the show did not receive a single complaint from any fan. Probably hardly anyone even noticed the change.

  • To show just how big "The Partridge Family" was at one time, their hit song "I Think I Love You" outsold the Beatles song "Let It Be" when both were released in 1970.

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